Thanks Mark,
I'm utilizing GE to find them so I'll just carry that forward as you described.
Also, are you being updated with new measurers to update the map?
Jane is going to notify me when she adds a new measurer. But certifiers can help her when they send in a new certification by letting her know that the measurer is new if that's the case.
Mark, that is not necessary for the Certifiers to inform Jane. You see, every time she enters info the measurers information is checked. Henc, she should know immediately.
On another note, if you add one to the list will it change the site for searching? Finally, I will see if USATF can get this on their site.
On another note, if you add one to the list will it change the site for searching? Finally, I will see if USATF can get this on their site.
Mark, sorry for the delay in replying but I think Andy (in Eugene) has moved to Massachusetts.
Thanks Lee. But he's still listed as Eugene in the list on the USATF website. I don't want to have different info on the map than is on the website list. Especially since clicking on the their dot on the map takes you to their entry on the list.
Once he measurers a course in MA, the database should be changed by the registrar. If this has not been done and he has measured a course in MA, then the Registrar should be informed. I will check on this.
After checking on this, I don't see that he has measure any courses in MA.
I agree with Gene’s handling of this. If a measurer moves, the listings will be updated only when he or she measures another course. A measurer who moves is treated just like a new measurer when they are added to the location map and online directory listings. In the meantime, the measurer’s old location and contact information is left as is. Seems like an unnecessary burden for the registrar to keep up with and to create a new measurer listing before the measurer measures another course.
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