Choices. What a wonderful county we live in, which allows us so many choices. Jones, Veeder-Root, Protege.
I used my Jones for my primary counter today while measuring a Marathon course. Had a co-rider, and he had a Jones, so it made sense to use the 2 Jones counters. But, I also had my Veeder-Root counter on, just for comparison.
Co-rider and I were within 5 clicks at most mile points, and within one click at others. Very close comparison, which is what we wanted.
My VR was also with a foot and a half at all my checkpoints. Much easier to see the numbers on the VR.
What I did notice was, as I believe Pete pointed out, during the calibration, the VR is much more precise than the Jones. Both my co-rider and I had half-clicks, which could have been half, more or less. This variation allows for some difference in measurments over the course of a mile, or Marathon.
But, as I stated earlier in this thread, I think the quest for gnat's-behind accuracy is wasted effort when we use the SCPF.
I believe I may use the VR for more of my measurements. Not just for the back-lit display (I often calibrate in the dark), but more importantly, it saves time after calibrating, when setting up my worksheet. Let me embellish (I normally do, so why stop now???).
I make my Excel spreadsheet, ahead of time. I have a template that I don't have to change, most of the time. I put in my 4 calibration numbers, and presto, all my intermediate points and Finish have the correct number of counts assigned to them. Once I get to the course, I may chose a round number to start my measurements with, put that into my spreadsheet, and voila, each Jones reading is entered. Great!
BUT, when I have to ride around a bit before getting to my starting point, I can't accurately project a starting number, without additional rotation additions or subtractions. This is where the VR will be a WONDERFUL OPTION.
I only have to put in my calibration numbers, then all my intermediate points will be based on a zero start-count. I can ride all I want, then, when I am ready, I clear my VR, and begin. So SIMPLE.
If I wanted to simply know how many revolutions and partial-revolutions per mile, then re-set to zero at each mile, I could. But, to me, that reduces accuracy. Still well within inches per mile, but I also think it adds one more point for potential error.
My summary, after measuring a Marathon course with a VR along for comparison, is that I think it is a great tool. Not a simple as the Jones, but just as servicable. I think the setup is simple, if one were to post non-electrician instructions on how to set one up (if pressed, I could do that, since I am not an electrician and needed Neville's help in deciphering the electrician's code). I will never try to steer someone away from the Jones who may be intimidated by the VR. I think the new Thingamajigy Riegelmajigy is going to be a great improvement on an already good design. Easily the right too to start with. But, I will use my VR for much of my work, for reasons outlined above.
Options. Allows each person to use what they are comfortable with. No one is right, no one is wrong, as long as we all end up with verifiable results and consitent methods.