I usually throw my data into either an empty spreadsheet, which I construct to correspond to the particular measurement data I have taken, or else I take an old measurement spreadsheet and enter the new data adjusting the spreadsheet where necessary.
This process can be rather complicated and time consuming, if the measurement was in complicated pieces. It is sometimes particularly tedious getting the printout looking respectable for use in the measurement report. And then the other day after spending 2 or 3 hours on a tricky set of data my computer froze when I was nearly ready to save and print. I cant find any automatic file save on the MS Works Spreadsheet which I am using because measurement expenses are not large enough to buy MS Excel which I know has a automatic back up feature. Of course 10 or 15 years ago I would hitting the file save button every 5 minutes but these days crashes are so rare I have got out of the habit!! So I have been thinking about setting up a better arrangement.
Has anyone got a program which would streamline everything? I found a 1987-1991 vintage program by Bob Baumel and others at the USATF site , but this looks to be too limited in features. Is there anything on-line?
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