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I always enjoyed doing the stats, but right now I am in the middle of a pile of courses to measure, and can't seem to summon up the energy to do stats.

The raw info is all there in the downloadable course list, awaiting someone who is willing to do it. I'm sure I'm not the only one capable of doing it - it's just that I have done it for so long that it seems I own the thing.

I may get to it and I may not. In the meanwhile, I invite any interested party to download the course list and do their own version.
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Course Registrar’s Report for 2007 (data as of 5/10/2008)

1576 new courses were certified this year (1438 in 2006)

We have a total of 11,508 active courses. All those courses have maps on the USATF website, with the exception of one track, which does not require a map for certification, and the Israel Solidarity Run in Chicago, in which case the organizers wanted the route kept secret.

Every state in the union has a course certified in 2007. One foreign course, as well, in Bermuda.

New measurers: 118, down from last year’s overly-optimistic 270 (due to a change in database and recording procedure).

Active measurers: 309.

Texas has the most active measurers, with 27.(New York had 31 in 2006). New York took second place with 22, followed by Florida with 21.

5km most popular distance- 53% of courses measured

Breakdown of new courses by distance:
5km: 794 – 50.2%
10km: 170 – 10.7%
Half-marathon: 146 – 9.2%
Marathon: 103 – 6.5%
Calibration: 87 - 5%
1mi: 42 – 3.2%
8km: 42 – 3.2%
5mi: 35- 2.3%
15km: 29- 2%
10mi: 23- 1%
Other distances: 105, 6.6%

Two 50k courses and one 50-mile course were certified in 2007.

Top 10 Certifiers:

E.T. McBrayer: 140 (second last year)
Jim Gilmer: 92 (third last year)
Jay Wight: 89(first last year)
Bill Glauz: 70
Matthew Studholme: 68
Paul Hronjak: 64
Mike Wickiser: 59
Jane Parks: 58
Everett McDowell: 55
Rick Recker & Ron Scardera: 54

Top 10 states:
Texas: 188 (up from 143)
New York: 113 (up from 102)
Illinois: 90 (up from 74)
North Carolina: 88 (up from 68)
Florida: 79 (up from 49)
Tennessee: 70 (up from 38)
California: 64 (down from 69)
New Jersey: 64 (up from 54)
Minnesota: 53 (up from 41)
Ohio: 50 (down from 55)

Top 10 measurers:
1 (tie) Duane Russell:34 (third last year)
John Ferguson: 34 (first last year)
2 Jay Wight: 31
3 Jane Parks: 30 (second last year)
4 (tie) Ron Fitzpatrick 27
Ron Scardera: 27
5 (tie) Neville Wood: 26
Bob Thurston: 26
6 (tie) Danny White: 25
Tom McBrayer: 25
7 (tie) Rick Recker:23
Bill Belleville: 23
Winston Rasmussen: 23
Paul Hronjak: 23
Larry Baldasari: 23
8 Don Garrett: 22
9 (tie) Tony Phillipp: 21
Ken Ashby: 21
10 Pete Riegel :20

Stu Riegel
Course Registrar

I also have this in a Word file if anyone's sufficiently intertested.

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