I just glanced at the new discussion on LetsRun about the unbelievable salaries and bonuses paid to the two top officers of USATF. Tens of millions to them, and NOTHING for our online certification project?
If this doesn't exemplify the ongoing malfeasance of USATF, what would? Is it time to push back against this unscrupulousness?
Jim Gilmer and his team developed V.1 of our online certification submission system for a lousy $8,000.00. And Mad Max can't afford to throw us a bone no bigger than the rounding error on his bank balances to bring our system up to date?
If this doesn't exemplify the ongoing malfeasance of USATF, what would?
Apparently, USATF corruption has now sunk to the level at which the FBI and our Judicial system are now involved: LetsRun.com discussion about USATF .
Priorities screwed up much? What is it with USATF? Ever since I first encountered it decades ago, I have been confronted by systemic arrogance in its ranks. Thankfully, I have encountered this attitude in only two of us here in the measuring community. But these two officers have demonstrated the same kind of unjustified smug pompousness and condescending attitudes as we see at the top of our nominal non-profit today.
Just this morning I got an email from USATF asking me to send them more money - for a membership that does exactly what, may I ask?