National Listing of Recent Course Measurers
At the RRTC meeting in Jacksonville it was suggested that a national list of course measurers, perhaps only those active in the last two years, be created. The idea was to give inquiring people some options in case they wanted to hire a measurer. Some said such a list was unnecessary, as the state certifier was up to date on local measurers and could provide the information. Some like the idea of the list.
Kevin Lucas is creating such a list, covering only those measurers who have been active during 2004 and 2005. He has sent inquiries to all the certifiers in the hope that they will send him contact information for the measurers for whom they have recently certified courses.
I have provided Kevin with a list of those in my areas. For those who feel that this is wasted effort, I think one should reflect that a certifier should already have such a list handy for use by those who need to find a measurer. It’s very little extra effort to send it to Kevin.
An example of the format may be found at:
Measurer List
click on MeasurerList.xls
Note that other formats are welcome. Kevin can rearrange.
Some have suggested that some measurers may object to being on a national list. I doubt there will be more than a few, and they are already publicly available, as we have always provided certificates on demand for those who want them, and the name and address of the measurer is there. And, if any measurers objects, they can easily be removed.
Still up in the air is maintenance of the list as it ages and new people measure and old ones quit, and contact information changes. As far as I am concerned, this is a problem for later.
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