I know it isn't the exact minutes, but I did a summary of our meeting in 2013 posted here. I thought Bob did the minutes and posted those, but I see it has not been done. I will get on this. However, here is my post done right after the meeting.
RRTC Meeting 2013-12-07
Meeting was called to order at 9:30am. The RRTC Officers were introduced and it was noted that we have a new Education & Training Chair (Toni Youngman). We also noted that we are going to appoint a couple of Members at Large positions. These position will be used for discussions on various topics. For anyone interested the officer’s reports can be found online in the Document Library of the USATF web site under 2013 meeting.
Agenda Items discussed:
1.Mike Wickiser showed a vest that he produced and sign. These items will make for better safety when measuring a course. The vests were unique as they had LED flashing lights. The cost for these items is: signs 2 for $5. Vests for $25. Mike said he will get the information to Gene, which will be posted on the site.
2.Certificate font size: The type of font will be changed to Helvetica. This will actually help with more letters on a specific line. A couple of the lines will be adjusted so more information can be placed there.
3.An Award to recognize individual: We will look into this and if it’s done we decided it will be called the “Ted Corbitt award”. This would be a Merit award for outstanding service with the RRTC. There is a question if we can do it technically? Gene will check with Bill Roe to find exactly what has to be done. Hence if it can be done, a committee will be established
4.Should we remove the course description from certificate? We felt there was no harm keeping it. However, it was decided that we will work on simplifying it after looking at the IAAF form.
5.Allowable difference between tapings of calibration courses.
We decided 0.01% of the actual length is what would now be acceptable. This would be sent out to our Certifiers and also placed in the manual with examples.
6.Certifiers as USATF members: We agreed that we represent USATF and all must be members. We now have all our Certifier belonging to USATF.
7.Should we require measurers to be USATF members. This created much discussion and we concluded the following: There is a mechanism in place for measurers to be officials, which would require them to be USATF Members. This will be further investigated by Gene and Justin.
8.Rule 265 change. Simply put we made this change and it was approved by the Rules Committee to match the IAAF for this situation.
9.Units of measure on certificates & database. We will use metric for metric courses for distance, separation and elevations on the certificate. However, when a course is imperial, the distance will be imperial, the separation will be imperial or metric, but the elevations will be metric on the certificate.
10.High & Low elevation on certificate. There was discussion to remove these. However, we decided it best to keep them.
11.How we get new certifiers: People ask this lots of times so it was pointed out that this is an assigned by the Chair. The decision is based on measuring experience, a recommendation from an experienced Certifier and a need in a particular area. It was also explained the new certifier will need expertise for electronic scanning & submission
12.Will there be charge if a change is requested to a posted Certified Course. It was pointed out that this takes a lot of work to change it in all databases, backups. We decided we will issue new certificate with a new number if this happen after a month. The old course would be marked as unusable (U). This will be treated as a new course, hence all that applies there will apply here. The Certifiers will be notified of this change.
13.Modify application for certification to allow the option to enter cert # of cal course instead of mailing cert and map for cal course? All agreed this should be done and Bob Baumel will make the change.
14.Jim Gerweck opened a discussion on Ted Corbitt’s documents/possessions. There are 17 legal cases of certification docs that NYRRC is still storing. Lots of historical importance. Jim Gerweck will do the scanning of these and may find help from other volunteers as needed. This will save some important history.
15.Measurement Contest: Duane Russell did another outstanding job. The final results for all will be posted later, but here are a few.
Ron Pate 1st.
Jane Parks 2nd.
Booby prize (cow w udders) Irene Herman.
16.Olympic Marathon Trials: They will be in either LA or Houston – nothing announced yet.
17.Toni Youngman felt we should make our Application for Certification compatible with IAAF There are only one or 2 extra questions. Bob will take a look at this and make those changes.
Some other items that Happened at the Annual Meeting:
1.Toni Youngman contacted RRCA and the Association Chair to set up Education and Training sessions. These would be held at their Annual meeting in 2014.
2.The USATF web person will fix the search engine for foreign courses that don’t show the expiration date when doing a search.
3.The USATF web person will fix the search engine to show if a measurer is an IAAF “A” or “B’
4.Gene expressed to the Men’s and Women’s LDR, that there must be certified splits at: 25 km and 30 km.
5.All USATF Championship races will be pre-verified.