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Highlights of the RRTC meeting at 2008 USATF Convention:
RRTC Council members attending were Bob Baumel, Pete Reigel, Duane Russell, Justin Kuo, David Katz and Gene Newman. We had about 30 people total attend our meetings.
1.The meeting started with reports submitted by our Council members. It was noted that Pete Riegel has officially passed the Baton to Gene Newman as our new Registrar.
2.There was a spirited discussion on maps submitted and what will now be required. Here is a summary of what is expected.

Maps should have the following:
Course ID
North Arrow
Race Name and City
Start and Finish and Turn Arounds with descriptions.
Name of the Measurer with their contact information
In place of Expiration Date the following statement  Certificate valid from(date of submission) through Dec. 31st(10 years hence)

All measurers from this point should know Maps will no longer be accepted:
a.if they contain Pictures/Photographs
b.if they are too light or gray
c.if they are missing any of the information as stated above
d.if they have narrow margins
The ideal certificate would have certificate on the front and map on the back, both crisp black & white copy and fully legible. Anything else should be a rare exception. Each person in the chain must do their job to maintain quality

3.Post Validations policy will be changed to reflect what is currently be done. Generally, the Validation Chair will decide if it’s actually necessary to remeasure a course where a record has been set. There will be a USATF rule change to allow some validations to be done without remeasurement.
4.Storage of Maps and Certificates will be done as in the past.
5.Insurance policy discussion with USATF Representative was discussed. We will decide at a later time if this would work for us.
6.Duane Russell set up our Measurement Contests. Results are be posted.
7.Open discussions concluded the meetings.
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