Boy, the lines on that track from OH10005PR are hard to see. I measured one of my local tracks instead. Followed the inside edge of lane 1 all the way around and got 399.42m. Then did the 0.3m offset calculation to get 401.30m.
So I decided maybe lane 1 is a little hard to follow since it is next to the grass. I followed lane 2 all the way around and after the (lane width - 0.3) offset calculation I got 401.56m, assuming a 42" lane width.
To be 1.5 meters long I would need to have added over a fifth of a lane width to the measurement. Something's fishy, either GE or the track.
Here's a link to my measurement of lane 2. Maps shows a bad approximation of the path. You'll have to view it in google earth to see the real path I measured.