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Mark, I tried your template for the first time this week for a simple 5K. Had to work through some challenges with the documentation (e.g., it assumes that certain tools are visible when, by default, they are not) and the street drawing (e.g., had to figure out I needed to draw a Bezier curve to draw a semicircular connecting portion between 2 parallel streets), but I got it to work.
When using File, Export to PDF, all of the contents of the hidden, non-printable layers got thrown into the PDF (background image, etc.). I installed and used PDF Creator to print to a PDF, and then I could create a clean PDF. Did I miss a step somewhere in exporting to a PDF from OpenOffice?
Hi Alan,
It's great that you're giving OpenOffice try.

Which drawing tools did not show up for you by default?

The bezier curve tool is pretty confusing and frustrating. I don't use it much. I decided that for beginning computer map drawers it's probably best to avoid.

I just retested the "Export to PDF" option. On both my Mac and PC the layer must be both Visible and Printable for it to show up in the exported PDF. Could you email your OpenOffice file to me? I could try it on your particular file.
Hi Mark - When I started the template, the Line and Filling toolbar was not visible, and the curved course arrow was assigned to the Details layer, not the Course Map layer. The segmented line sample IS assigned to the Course Map, as expected.

Since I've just started using this, I have not yet figured out how to addintermediate points to the curved course arrow using the edit points tool; I'm sure I'm not the only measurer that would appreciate a step-by-step example
showing how to do this added to the manual, or perhaps a link to a youtube video showing the process.

Here's a link to a zip archive that has my .odg file, a PDF printed using PDF Creator, and a PDF created using the Export to PDF tool in OpenOffice. The latter has ALL of the layers exposed; even the Layout layer with the red arrows.

Thank You for organizing all of this; it sure beats pencil and rulers on paper.

- Alan
No worries. I had a hunch, when I saw your post, that it was due to a buggy version of OpenOffice (v3.10). So, I downloaded 4.0 and installed it 20 minutes ago, and it exported fine. So, that's done.

FYI - The PDF created by printing to a PDF using PDF Creator was 43,807 bytes, and the PDF exported via OpenOffice was 57,157 bytes, over 30% larger.

Thanks for the help.
- Alan

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