There are many factors to get a listing posted.
First, there is the process of our check and balance system. In general this is what happens.
1. The Certifier approves a course and issues a Certificate, which is sent to a Vice Chair.
2. The Vice Chair first checks the Certificate and Map for any errors. If all is OK he sends the Certificates to the Course Registrar.
3. The Registrar again checks the Certificate and Map and if all is OK he scans both the Certificate and Map.
4. The Registrar enters data from the Certificate and uploads this to the USATF site. Next, the maps are sent to USATF for posting.
5. USATF informs the Registrar when all is ready for the last step, which is again uploading the Data Base to USATF.
It used to take a couple of months to have all this work. USATF now allows us to send information anytime and our Vice Chairs send information on a weekly basis, which has improved the time lag considerably. See Chart below for a recent 2 week period.
[URL= ]2 wk info[/URL]
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