A lot of material relating to our past is now available online. Its availability is expanding to make it more available to all.
The principal disadvantage to online retrieval is the time it takes. You have to do it one file at a time.
The original material lives in my computer in two folders.
Folder “MN PDF” contains 139 files for a total of 526 MB, each file for an issue of Measurement News, which was our snail-mailed way of communicating before we had the Measurement Bulletin Board. It includes an index.
Folder “Historical Master” contains 195 files for a total of 442 MB. It includes an index. These are files which I collected over the years from people in the USA and all over the world. It includes files for Olympic Marathon measurements and other big races and also many thoughtful articles of a miscellaneous nature.
It is easy for me to cruise through the material, because it’s all in my machine. There is a load of good, smart reading.
If you will send me a memory stick (plugs into the USB drive) with enough empty space, and a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SASE), I will burn you copies of “MN PDF” and “Historical Master” and you will have it all. If you don’t want to send the SASE, send a $5 bill along with the memory stick. If you are overseas write to me and we’ll work it out.
My address is:
Pete Riegel
3354 Kirkham Road
Columbus, OH 43221
Original Post