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Historical Material on CD

Tom McBrayer recently sent me some early material written by Ted Corbitt. It has been incorporated into the historical archive. An index to the archive may be found at:

Click on file “00index.pdf.”

I’m always looking for material that is not in the archive. If you have something, and send it to me, I’ll put it into the archive and send you a CD containing the entire archive. If it’s early material it will likely be on paper, which I will return to you once I have scanned it.

If you’d like a CD but don’t have material to contribute, send me $3.00.

My interest here is to get our history widely distributed so that it can be recovered if wanted. I could distribute it free, but fear I would be swamped by requests from people who will ask for anything that is free.

All past issues of Measurement News are also available on a CD. It’s also $3.00, or you can get both for $5.00

Pete Riegel
3354 Kirkham Rd
Columbus, OH 43221
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