I had been considering filling the need for a course measurer in my area and was lucky enough to get involved with the measurement of one of the larger local races. We have completed the measurement and are working to complete the documentation. I am really enjoying the process and am convinced that I will follow through with my plan to measure on a regular basis. Considering this, I would like to gather your opinions on the best/better choices for equipment, methods, and supplies.
Does anyone have recommendations to offer regarding a particular brand of steel tape (metric/English combo), a great note-taking method, use of flat-free tires, solo taping methods, mapping software, etc.? I would really appreciate any suggestions that can be provided that will aide me in my efficiency and accuracy. If you can give me any gear-related pointers or stear me away from bad equipment, that will be great.
I really want to be sure that I get started on the best foot……after all; my first measurement must be as accurate as those that follow.
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