Extra Revolutions on Rough Ground
I use two electronic counters, and always check one against the other. One counter has four magnets and one uses only one.
I had to cross a short construction area (30 m or so) on a recent measurement. The ground was very bumpy. While pushing the bike I came up against a large clod, and the bike stopped momentarily. I saw that the single magnet moved backward a bit, past the sensor. When I got to the other side of the construction I saw that the single-magnet counter had recorded one more revolution than the four-magnet counter.
Form now on I will stop and establish a reference point on each side of rough ground, and observe carefully.
If I had only the single-magnet counter I would have recorded an extra two meters in my layout, and no easy way to check.
I noticed a similar effect when measuring up a long flight of stairs. The wheel jerked around when bumping my way up and down the stairs, and I collected several extra revolutions.
Super vigilance is needed under non-smooth conditions.
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