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Compare Jones vs electronic the easy way!

I can't see much value in further comparisons between the Jones counter and the electronic, but seeing is believing. We already know that both work, and that each has its unique peculiarities. Give it a try! It will make a believer out of you. The easiest test is on any course at all. Straight, crooked - it doesn't matter. Any ride at all - just a recreational ride around the neighborhood. No calibration is needed - we are only trying to see how well the two readings agree.

Your bike may have the older 20 counts per revolution Jones counter. This means that if you divide the Jones counts by 20 you should get an answer the same as what your Protege reads. Or, multiply the Protege by 20 to get the Jones.

With the newer Jones/Oerth counters the 20 becomes 23.6363636363.....because of the different gearing.

The way to get things right is to first set the bike on the mark at the zero point on the rim. Back it up, then move it forward to get all the backlash out. Read the Jones count and record. You will likely have to deal with a half-count or so - read it as close as possible.

Then, without lifting the bike, wiggle it back and forth to set the electronic counter at zero on the starting mark. You will have already set the Jones, so they will be in agreement at the start.

Ride any distance to any definite mark. Read the electronic counter and rim mark when you get there. Then move the bike backward, then forward, to get the slack out of the Jones counter. Read and record.

If you do this the readings will agree almost perfectly. It will not take long. If you do not do things right, the readings will not agree. Give it a try and share your thoughts.
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