The City is asking that I use spray chalk, don't know how that's going to work out here in rainy Portland!
Lee Barrett
City code defines Graffiti:
A. Graffiti: Any unauthorized markings of paint, ink, chalk, dye or other similar substance which is visible from premises open to the public, and that have been placed upon any real or personal property such as buildings, fences, structures, or the unauthorized etching or scratching of such described surfaces where the markings are visible from premises open to the public, such as public rights of way or other publicly owned property.
So, markings are allowed. But, if we use temporary material and/or have a plan to remove/cover, we can work around the rule.
You can get black marking paint the same place as the colored marking paint, it will stand out on older gray asphalt, but with all the ongoing construction in this town, some semi-camoflauged black marks are better than ones that represent water lines, gas, power and telecom. I'd expect the marks to be mitigated within 24 hours, but if the weather is typical, I'm sure we can handle a rain delay.
I've asked the Graffiti Coordinator (copied) for a product recommendation, he advised :
Allison Madsen, Events Coordinator
City of Portland
111 SW Columbia, Suite 600
Portland, OR 97201
Phone: (503) 865-2482
Fax: (503) 279-3921