Yes, the work would be spread out, instead of concentrated on the Registrar. Just as certs are written by State Certifiers, instead of the Vice-chairs (spread the work out, so no one person is overwhelmed), if measurers entered their data online, certs would be self-populating, but only available to the Certifer, until "released".
True, not all certifiers use computers, but those that don't could still submit via mail. Not a requirement that everyone submit online. Same with measurers. If they don't use computers, they can still mail everything to the certifier. The biggest hurdle would be the scanning of the map. I still have to noodle that in more depth.
Measurers already complete data sheets and applications, so having them do it online instead of onto paper (assuming they use a computer, and have Internet access), is simply a different medium. It doesn't add work (except for those of us who enter our calibration numbers into Excel, and have it populate our measurement data sheet) for the measurer, nor anywhere else in the pipeline.
It certainly is not ready for programming now, but I think a discussion could be beneficial. Just bringing it up for discussion.