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Work Reduction

The hardest job in RRTC is that of Course Registrar. Just ask Gene.

There is a load of typing to be done. Are all the entries in a course’s data really needed?

There are certificates to be scanned and passed on to the USATF search engine.

At one time I was course registrar, back when the list did not contain so many entries. I found that an awful lot of time was spent keeping track of the following:

1. A course code indicated the status of the course.

2. Some new courses replaced older courses.

3. Some courses passed or failed validations.

4. Some courses became inactive.

5. Some courses expired.

Each of these required looking at the list, finding the relevant course or courses, and making the changes. It took time that I regretted.

I wonder whether the work could be reduced. How valuable are items 1 thru 5 anyway? You do not have to be registrar long before you get a sense that a lot of the work is busywork, with little end use. It could be simplified, I believe, by omitting a status code and listing a course only once, never to be amended.

Discussion is invited
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