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Vin Lananna

I just got an email from Road Race Management News about a letter that  Michael Conley, USATF Interim President/Chair, Board of Directors sent about potential conflict of interest concerns concerning USATF president Vin Lananna. This lead me to the discussion about this topic on "". That discussion brought up his compensation from TrackTown USA and the University of Oregon. This lead to a discussion about the compensation for the top employees of USATF, and to the opinion by some that these salaries and bonuses are especially generous. OK. So what?

There have been many discussions on this Board about the paucity of USATF resources available to enable measurers to submit color maps, then of maps over a certain (small) file size, and a whole lot of push back against an online certification submission system. The USATF web site, which apparently gets a lot of traffic, appears to me and some others to be out-of-date and uneven in accessibility, as those of us who have been stymied at times attempting to access the certification database know well.

So, my question is: with these salaries and bonuses (see attachment), and the very healthy current financial status of this organization, in which most contributors are volunteers, how is it we don't already have a 21st-century web site? Will things change when Jim Gilmer finishes his submission portal project? Will we be able to submit maps without an artificial file size limit which can result in loss of detail from our maps?  How about clickable thumbnails for course maps? Are resources being devoted to improving the overall USATF web experience?  I am guessing any prior budget concerns are moot.


Images (1)
  • USATF 990 2016 Comp
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