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Triathlon Run Course Certification - ?

Has anyone here measured run or bike courses for a triathlon? Sorry if this ground has been covered before, but this topic just came up for me.

A friend who directs a large race in Washington, D.C. recently brought to my attention a planned half marathon course that is scheduled to start and finish in National Harbor, in the nearby Maryland suburbs. He had some concerns about the course. When I investigated the event Web site, there was no mention anywhere of any course measurement standard. Since the site proudly displayed the USA Triathlon logo, I contacted an administrator at USAT HQ to inquire about course standards. I learned that there are none. "Course measurements are left up to individual race directors". A search of certified courses revealed that the run courses for this tri and another big one in D.C. coming up in a few months do not use certified courses.

It appears to me that with the profusion of triathlons in recent years coupled with the lack of any course measurement criteria for triathlon sanctioning that there is a small world out there of uncertified run courses employed by triathlons.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it worth looking into this further with USAT?
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