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Ted Corbitt Archive

Gary Corbitt has contacted several people concerning how to sort through and archive about 25 boxes of material which Ted Corbitt saved over the years.

He wrote:


I'm deciding what items to keep from my father's apartment. He had indicated to me that he was given the okay to get rid of past course certification records. There are approximately 25 boxes of certification correspondence that Ted kept. The boxes and records are grouped by year. Rich Innamorato is helping me to review these boxes with the idea of keeping a sampling of the work done during this era. We have found correspondence between John Sterner, John Jewell, Bob Campbell, and Aldo Scandurra from the 1950's - 1960's. My father didn't throw anything away so any important historical correspondence/documents that you're aware of, please let us know.

I have a mailing address for Sally & Wayne Nicoll and Robert Letson; please forward an e-mail address for these individuals.


I had correspondence with Ted in 2007. What follows is my last exchange of letters with Ted.

At this point I am no longer a volunteer to lead the work, but if someone is interested in doing the heavy lifting I may be willing to assist, depending on what’s involved.

Is anyone interested in working on this? An offer to work is more welcome than a suggestion that someone else should do it.
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