Here's how I calculated it. It was nice to see how well my years-old 1000 feet checked out.
Bash me with commentary. I have sweated for hours on this blasted thing.
Raw Data
10 pulls at 30 m per pull = 300 m
Partial length = 4.80815 m (4 m plus 80.815 cm)
Total Raw Length 304.8082 m
The tape was checked by NIST and found to have a length of 30.00948 m at 20C (68F)
Because the true length is greater than the 30m indicated length, the tape marking error must be accounted for.
We must correct for both temperature and tape marking error
Temperature Correction factor =(1+.00000645x(4268)) = 0.999832
Raw measurement corrected for temperature = 304.8082*.999832 =304.757 m
Because the tape was cold, the temperature corrected raw length is less than the total raw length.
Tape marking correction = 30.00948/30 = 1.000316
Total corrected course length = 304.757x1.000316 = 304.8533 m = 1000.175 feet
Oversize = 0.17499 feet
This is 1.7 parts in 10,000
This is within reasonable agreement for comparison with a single tape measurement
of 1000 feet obtained on a different day. The checked course is considered to pass validation check.