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Status Codes in the Course list


The course list contains codes which give a bit of information. They are shown below:

A - Active course
04, 05 etc - Restored to list after 10 year expiration. "04," "05" refers to date of renewal.
X - Expired
D - Deleted by certifier
F - Failed post-race validation
M - No map on file - some early courses.
P - Passed post-race validation
R - Replaced by another course
U - Course unusable
V - Prevalidated

Sometimes two or more letters are used in combination. For example, "PD" means passed validation, but later deleted

Note: "Active" does not mean that the course is still used. It means only that the course has neither expired nor been deleted by the state certifier. A number of race courses have several certification numbers. In these cases, the latest number may be presumed to be the currently-used course.
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