Unfortunately, to do this, we would have to re-build the Map lookup page, and that would be considerable work, and time. But, if we did, we would list a race name, and also a certificate number. We could list both of your races, and show them using Course # FL12999TY. ONLY the cert number would be on the map, so there would be no confusion - find the cert number that is associated with the race, and you have found the map.
But, that is down the road, if it ever happens.
In answer to your question - You can submit the same measurement data (ignoring that you are a FS), with the same map, but with a different name. Certifier gets normal fee, issues a new certificate for the second race, and passes the new cert to the VC. Course gets posted, and has a listing with the new name. Same map, but with a different name and cert number.
What you charge the "new" race for the new map is up to you. I usually charge $50, as $30 goes to the Certifier. I get $20 for the time and effort of creating a duplicate map with a new name on it.
Hope this helps answer your question.