How trustworthy are tire pressure gauges? Neville has observed that tire circumference remains almost constant, when air pressure as measured by his pressure gauge is held constant. Would this be true for other pressure gauges assuming no operator error? How does the quality of tire pressure gauges compare with that of surveyor’s steel tape? What should a measurer look for in a tire pressure gauge? Would a measurer need to test his pressure gauge as Neville has tested his, before trusting it? If a steel tape breaks, you see it. How would you know that your tire pressure gauge is failing?
I see two applications for the constant tire pressure method of measurement by bicycle. (1) For some races I have spent as much time finding a route that was approximately the correct distance as in doing the certification measurement. (2) Sometimes a race director wants a race route that is close the the correct distance, but doesn’t want it certified. Neville’s method should work well in either of these cases.
Dale Summers