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Policy of the RRTC concerning Validations

We at the RRTC have been have a discussion among ourselfs about the current policy used for both pre and post validations and I'm hoping others express their opinions.

First, here is a general description(not all details are described) of the current policy in effect for Post Validations.

The person is appointed by the Validations Chair will be one who is very experienced. Let's say we are checking a 10k course and the validation comes out between 9995 meters and 10005 meters then it would pass validation and the records will be OK, however the race must bring their race up to the correct standard(10010 meters) for the following year for records to be allowed. If it is less than 9995 meters the course fails.

Next as for pre validations here is a general idea of what is done.

Let's again say we are checking a 10K and find the distance is 10010 meters or more then it would pass validations. However, if it is less than 10010 meters then the race people would have to add whatever distance to bring their race up to 10010 meters.

If any are asking why 10010 meter this includes the SCPF. Please feel free to express your ideas about the current policy now being used by the RRTC.


Gene Newman
Original Post