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Pete et al:

We (the Guido Brothers) currently produce all the paper that is submitted with a measurement package on a computer. We have it all in .pdf format and could send that file if it would help. The files can get large and can clog modems easily. I agree with Pete, if this switch to "paperless" is to work, a form is needed for consistency. The hard part of the form will be the map.

Streets, Google, National Geographic and Route 66 are all neat products, but maybe an adjustment of the requirements for the map would make the map making, submittal and storage easier. The scale and detail on long courses is generally lost if these maps are squeezed onto an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet. A single line map that shows all the turns onto a different road, combined with a route description (in words), a detailed sketch of the Start and Finish location and more words describing special conditions that prevent using the SPR would provide all the information that is really needed and might be both easier to squeeze onto a letter size sheet and surely easier to draw.