A few years ago I also had the same dream and have been making digital maps such as the one below ever since. Although they have attracted no interest until a few days ago, I believe they may be the answer to your prayers!
I prepare the maps using the inexpensive software “Streets”. After planning and measuring the course on the map I select “save as a web page” using a pixel width of about 990. This generates a few files one of which is the map as a gif file. I open this with “Paint” and complete the map, pasting in all the essential course details and photos from other programs such as “Word”. The resulting file size varies from only 40 KB to 72 KB for the map with the photo below so transmission is easy.
I have scanned the official submission form into “Word” and used this as a template for sending a submission as additional small file with that of the map to the state certifier by email. I send the fee using my bank’s free “billpay” so I never use any postage!
The state certifier processes my map by printing it and sending it by US mail to Mike Wickiser, who through a long scan digitizes again but this time into a large file. Finally Mike sends this by a long high-speed transmission to the USATF web site where is arrives a little worse for wear!
Over a year ago I tried to interest Mike in cutting out the above the above work by putting my digital maps directly onto the USATF site. However he said that since most measurers could not prepare a digital map, any time savings from using digital maps would not be worth the disruption of his regular processing flow. Also, there were rigid restrictions in accessing the USATF web site that would not permit it.