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Reply to "Online course measurement tools comparison"

On GE:
I'm just curious why Mark wants a map view, I mean how would you use that if they had it?
I find myself turning "roads" on and off, mostly leaving road names off so that I can see better but sometimes turning them on to find a location or get oriented.
I agree that screen shots are a good way to talk to a non-GE user.
A great advantage of GE is how you can measure lines or paths in a wide choice of units.

I find this really useful, and also easy to send maps back and forth since you don't have to download anything. Multiple modes of viewing are nice (but honestly I mostly use satellite and occasionally hybrid).
New users of gmap-pedometer need to remember to turn the route drawing to "manual" not "automatic" and also to zoom in really closely.

Here is a gmap of a route "run" by kids in the school where I teach. Sort of a fitness challenge, we have a quarter-km track so we counted laps and kilometers, gave little prizes and plotted our progress in "running across the country". "Run Across the Country" I guess this just shows that you can take one of their maps pretty far.
Cons for gmap-pedometer: 1. no easy way to measure short distances like 100 feet from a landmark; 2. Sometimes I get asked for username and password, I haven't figured out why that happens (only on my computer at work I think).

Other programs:
I haven't used other programs enough to comment. Some people like "Runningahead", but I don't know the pros and cons.