Gene, if we are certifying courses, why put race names on maps? The certificate has the race name of the race responsible for the measurement. The race uses course number whatever, doesn't it?
If another race wants to use the course that was certified as Course Number (whatever), they can. Are we taking the position of "fairness cops"? Where we say "someone else paid to have this course measured, so if you want to use the same course, and have a map made with your name on it, you have to pay for the process to be repeated"? Seems like overstepping our realm of responsibility. And, if they go to the same measurer, why can't the measurer just make a new map, and just replace the name?
We have been listing races, and the course they paid to have certified. We have also been putting a name on most courses, indicating the name of the race that paid for the certification. That seems to infer that we are certifying races, not courses. To require that a race that wants to use the same course, pay for a new measurement when all they want is their name on the map, seems to further the misconception that we are certifying a race, not a course.
Just trying to break it down, so I can answer Mark's question "what are we trying to solve?". In my mind, right now, it is the question of two races using the same course, and Race #2 not wanting the map to have Race #1's name on it. If our maps only had the Certificate Number, there would be no issue. But, if we are trying to make sure that Race #2 doesn't use a course that Race #1 paid to have certified, that is a different issue. Back to the "fairness cops" comment.