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Reply to "One Course, More Than One Official Name?"

Renaming a Course

There may be a simple way to do this.

Course listings already have a column that states the type of course. We have “Road’, “Cal”, Trck” and “Any” already on the search engine.

This column in the posted list could have a new category. Call it “Renamed.”

A request for renaming a course is received from the original measurer. A copy of the original certificate is forwarded to Gene with the request. When the data is entered, instead of entering “road” in the data entry column, the word “renamed” is used. The new name would be used in place of the old one. All the other data remains the same, including the original course ID.

The search engine might then come up with two courses if the only the ID is used. One would be the original, the other the renamed course.

If the new name is used in the search, the listing would come up with the original map.

Perhaps a line of explanation could be added to the search page.

This would be a very simple solution to the problem. All original data would be preserved. There would be no need to create a new certificate.

I don’t intend that this be a final solution to the problem, but it seems to me to minimize the hassle for what is a small but untidy problem.

Further discussion is invited.
Last edited by peteriegel