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Reply to "New Proposed Methods"

However, I don't see a way to accurately estimate it to much less than a quarter-click. Even if a rim is marked in 100ths, we are still guesstimating exactly where the next click of the Jones is starting, aren't we?


I'm not sure I follow you. If you are using rim reading to do the calibration, the Jones counter is not part of the process at all. When I suggested that you would want to report Jones readings as well, that was only to reassure the measurer and the reviewer that no gross calculation error was made when determining the cal constant from rim readings.

I have done a lot of calibration rides with rim readings. Based on my experience with a rim marked in 100ths, I believe I can tell revolutions down to 1/200th. More precise than that is very difficult no matter how many marks you have on your rim, because the marks on the rim do not actually touch the road surface. Slight changes in your viewing angle of the rim marks and the road marks can easily change a reading a couple 1000ths or so, and that's 20% of the SCPF on a 25m course.