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Reply to "New Proposed Methods"

I think marking a rim more-often than every .05 revolution is wasted effort. Since the .05 markings are only about 4" apart, it is not difficult to estimate the intermediate hundredths. I am fortunate that my rim has 20 spokes, so I only marked every .25 revolution. Simple to estimate hundredths.


If we assume the Jones can be accurately read to one half count, for a 300m cal course that translates to a reading accuracy of about 20% of the SCPF. To achieve that same level of accuracy with a 25m cal course, you would need to be able to read revolutions to the nearest 1/500th of a revolution.

One could say that we don't really need to be that accurate, but I think we would all agree that we need to be able to read to within 50% of the SCPF (even though this would be a huge degradation of the current accuracy with a Jones and a 300m cal course). This requires the ability to read to the nearest 1/200th of a revolution on a 25m course. I don't think it's possible to do that accurately with only 20 marks on your rim.