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Measurers As USATF Members

Regarding point 7 in Gene's summary of the annual meeting:

I am in favor of requiring measurers to join USATF. RRTC has developed valuable materials in support of certification measuring training. Collecting a modest membership fee could incentivize us to maintain these materials with regular updates and improvements, and maybe pay for someone's time as needed to perform this on a regular schedule.

Has RRTC ever given any thought to having its own separate membership? Instead of the dues going all to USATF, we would allocate a portion to the USATF general fund and the remainder to RRTC's own treasury. In theory, this could allow us to pay for server and/or connectivity upgrades, a certification application web site, additional admin support, better accommodations for conventions, and/or other good things.

I for one would gladly pay more than $30.00 annually to support such an upgrade to RRTC. $50.00 would be well worth it to me.
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