I used the program on 3 course measurements this weekend.
First was a half marathon measured S to F. Worked great although I'm not sure I was using the waypoint notation feature correctly.
Next was a 5 mile measured F to S. I could not get the program to calculate splits in reverse order (I must be doing something wrong - I input the actual counts at the Finish but the split and Start counts were indicated as if riding S to F (not just the order they were presented, but the actual counter readings). I simply set to to calculate & display as if it was a S to F ride and reversed the order on a piece of paper.
Finally, I rode part of a previously measured 10k to locate the 6 mi. point. Could not get it to indicate a reverse ride set of figures for the life of me, so wound up doing it on a calculator.
Can you tell me what I might be doing wrong? I'd love to use the app for F to S rides, which make up the majority of my measurements.
Also the longitude latitude function didn't work.