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Reply to "Marathon Measurement Plan"


I’m all done with measuring the Earth Day Marathon. While laying out the splits there was nothing on the Kokosing Gap Trail to use as split landmarks, so I used the existing permanent trail mileposts as reference points. Enroute I got measurement data between most of the posts. My calibration change was only 2.5 counts/km on the first day and 1.3 on the second day.

I don’t know what method was used to lay out the posts, but it looks like they got them right.

Below you will see how it came out. Milepost 8 seems off, but it was located at the edge of a cross-road. Perhaps they didn’t want to put the post in the road, so they put it as close as they could get it.

"Error" calculation assumes that the mileposts are in exactly the right place.
