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MapMyRun giving measurers fits

Here’s another of the “inaccurate certified course” threads. I had a call from the measurer, who said that a high-profile local race had called him because of a complaint by a competitor that the course was inaccurate. I pointed him at a thread on the Road Course Measurement Bulletin Board (RCMBB) which explained the situation. At the time I thought he was talking about a runner-worn GPS. I suggested he inform the race of the thread, so that they could better understand.

Then the state certifier contacted me. He wrote to me and asked that I post something about it on the RCMBB. What follows is a slightly edited version of his message:

“Hi Group,

This is what I told the measurer: While MapMyRun is an excellent tool for course layout and training runs, it is not accurate. The inacuracy is heightened when the "follow roads" option is utilized.

I recently measured a local Half Marathon with 48 turns. The MapMyRun course showed 13.68 miles. Two rides with a calibrated bike indicated the course to be 13.109 miles long (21.0975km).

The problem is MapMyRun can't account for curbs on turns. This becomes apparent on a course like the Half Marathon I referred to above.

I measured a Marathon recently that was off by about a half mile compared to MapMyRun earlier this year and a 5k that was off by a bit over 0.1 miles.

I am afraid we will see more of this as runners check mapping software against certified courses and we will have to educate them in the same way as using GPS measurements.”

The problem in this case is that the race organization seems to be worried that the MapMyRun user may be right. Why they believe this I do not know, as the allegation of inaccuracy is, as far as I know, completely unsupported by any documentation except the complainer’s statement that he used MapMyRun and found the course to be inaccurate.

So now we have the uninformed coming at us with MapMyRun as well as the well-discredited Garmins and other GPS devices.

Commentary is invited.
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