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Long remeasured courses

Over the Memorial Day weekend I decided to remeasure a 3 mi/5 km course I'd originally measured back in 1998, to bring its certification up to active status.

The course is a loop with the start line pushed back on the 5 km variant. When I originally measured the course I used the Sum Of Shortest Splits method to determine the final length, and since I used the split points for both distances it was extremely conservative.

When I remeasured this weekend using a straight Start to Finish ride I determined that both courses were long, by about 1 per cent.

My question is: given the new guidelines, can I simply reissue new certs for each course, or should I adjust them to bring them down to the proper distance? My inclination is toward the former, since changing the start or finish might bring the old courses' accuracy into question. Although technically, doesn't a remeasurement of an existing course have to agree within 0.008% ?
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