I apologise in advance for this somewhat off topic post, but it amused me when my son Geoffrey who accompanied me to the Marathon measurement last Wednesday, showed me what he saw on Westminster Bridge.
While we were measuring the long lap, Geoffrey had walked to Westminster Bridge intending to capture us riders with Big Ben in the background. He stood on the bridge close to the second expansion joint, where I had told him we were turning. Unfortunately I had not explained that this turnround was only done on the first, short lap, so when our riding procession arrived with the flashing blue lights of the police escort, he was dismayed to see us turn right where the Embankment joins the bridge ramp and so not come towards him for the photograph.
However, while he waited he took a remarkable picture of a fox - right in the middle of the city - some distance from any park or other potential habitat. The picture has a lot of camera shake from a long exposure - but the evidence is clear of foxy activity.

We also had a professional photographer from the Wall Street Journal traveling with the measurement escort, and he took numerous pictures around the course. I understood that they were to be used for an article in the WSJ at the end of last week. I have searched the WSJ website but can't find any reference. Did any one see a picture in the WSJ? I would love to get a professional picture of the procession with the blue lights of the police motorbike escort.