With this arrangement it is easy to jump on the bike and ride it along a calibration course longer than 250 metres in order to very quickly obtain readings on different sections. Even small adjustments of position become very much quicker than moving a tripod. I just wheel the bike along, put down the kick stand aim and take a reading.
For transport to and from a calibration course, the mount packs away in my pannier bag, and my retro reflector target is clipped onto the rack:

I have not timed myself yet, but I should think that on arrival at an already nailed calibration course I can now set up, measure, and pack up in between 5 and 10 minutes. I certainly beats my measured speed of solo taping: 1 hour 40 minutes reported earlier in this thread. Also at no point do I have to kneel on the ground; I just bend slightly to place the box carrying the retro-reflectors over one nail and to check the alignment of the plumb bob on the nail at the other end.