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Jones Counter Woes

I just had an experience with my Jones Counters this week that I would love to know if anyone else has suffered. My Jones Counter fogged up on the last digit to the right. Granted, I drove my vehicle in 10 minutes of downpour and the humidity went way up. Bikes are on an exterior rack, they stand on it, so both tires are needed, and the Jones Counters are permanently wired on. The bikes were used 7 hours later (night time measurement from midnight to 6 am), but they were inside a dry hotel room until use after arriving at my hotel location.

During the measurement, my second counter became fogged when we had to measure through an area with sprinklers. Only about 2 minutes of ride time, and we stopped and started to eliminate getting direct hits by the sprinklers. The first fogged counter became unreadable for the last 2 digits at this point. Thank goodness the one that was fogged from the beginning of the measurement was the second bike.

Once we were done with the measurement, we went back to the hotel room. After 3 hours of sleep, I got up and noticed that the Jones Counters were clear again.

Who else has had these issues and what do you do once the counter is fogged so that you can read it. I found I needed to use two lights at different angles to get the number under the fog to show. But that can become a problem if you are on the lead bike and need to see the numbers for your splits.

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