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Reply to "Is This Counter malfunctioning?"

Jack writes:

Attached are 2 photos from the cal course. The first one (green paint)
shows what I believe to be the hole where the original endpoint nail
was located. If you look to the right you can see the longer, shallower
gouge where it looks like some tool was used to get under the nailhead
to pull it out.

The other photo shows the nail that's there now, and which I assumed to
be the endpoint. As you can see there is no machining in the head, as
there is in a PK or MagNail. It looks like just a large 4 or 6d
construction spike. I may go out there with my own crowbar and pull it
out. After all, turnabout is fair play, right?

Pete’s note: The nail looks like a PK to me. It has a rounded edge and I see a dimple in the middle.