Guido - that's an interesting one. You've got to be borderline CDO (that's when you're *so* OCD you alphabetize) to pull those off.
I'm a single-rider provider, so all my jobs are two-ride jobs.
The latest learning curve (for me), as Justin will tell you, is racewalking courses.
The project was initially for a 1500-meter loop, which got turned into a 500-meter loop and the event coordinator went "radio silent" right after confirming the project. I waited a week, tried contacting the EC for a week, then courtesy-copied the AAU Track/Field director for FL on the communication. He was a little perturbed that the EC had not contacted me to say the event was postponed; the local CVB hadn't been in on the plans. So I "wasted" an entire morning of driving for two rides (40min) of a loop which was never going to be used. Last contact with the AAU director was two weeks ago...AAU says they'll pay for the job; I told them to reimburse me for my drive time.