We have run across this issue several times and I remember Pete Riehel commenting on it in Measurement News. We have measured the Mystic Places Marathon several times. It seems the race director is continually trying to improve it. After the first 2 measurement, we established intermediate pionts at the ends of segments of the course. The idea was to allow measurement of changes between these points and not have to re-measure the entire course. The intermediate points are shown on the map (CT03014DR).
The race director is at it again, he wants another change. This change will add about 810 feet. It will follow a previously measured (certified?) segment of the course in both the outbound and return directions, whereas the existing course follows a different return route. This will require adjusting another part of the course to remove the 810 feet added by the new route.
The question is, can we lay out new inetrmediate points for measuring the correction? What data should be provided? Should all these points be on the map, it is getting very busy?
We have also explained the planned method to the certifier (Janee Parks) and asked whether she thinks we have a chance of certification without a full remeasurement.
Pete Volkmar - Guido Brothers Escort Service
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