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RRTC 2014 Highlights from our Annual Meeting

The meeting to order at 09:35.

Gene reported that Neville Wood has stepped down as Validation Chair and is being replaced by Mike Wickiser. The RRTC Chair (Gene Newman) thanked Neville for his service over the last 10 years.

It was noted that Duane Russell and Logan Burgess will verify the Houston ½ marathon Championships Dec. 6th 2014.

Gary Corbitt was introduced and explained he is working on history preservation. Gary’s dad, Ted was one of the Pioneers of course measurement.

Gene has appointed some additional Final Signatories, which will take the burden off on some states with many certifications.

Appointed at this point in time are: Ney Maquez(IL), Logan Burgess(TX), Doug Thurston(CA), Brad Smythe(NC) and Nathan Porch(DE,PA &NJ). Basically, Gene looks for measurers with the ability to convert maps to the proper format and are recommended by their Regional Certifier.

Below are the items addressed from our agenda:

1.The application that measurer’s submits to their Regional Certifiers will include a place to enter the Calibration Course Number used. Hence, there will be no need sending a copy of the Calibration Course to the Regional Certifier reviewing their application.

2.What to do with historical documents? Much discussion here. Several people expressed some good ideas and stated they will look into ways for this to be done.
3. Award in Ted’s honor. Gene assigned Jim Gilmer a member in large to look into this. David Katz asked why can’t we present awards recognized by whole organization? Gene was told that there’s limit to # of awards from LDR committees. Katz – officials give hundreds of awards, nobody can stop us from recognizing good stuff. Katz will investigate it.

4.What title below signature on certificate is to be used by Regional Certifiers and Final Signatories. It was decided to keep it simple. All will now use USATF/RRTC Certifier. It was decided the IAAF status is not pertinent to certification, but relevant to measurer. Hence, if one is an IAAF measurer it now will be placed where the measurer’s information is and not on Bottom of Certificate.

5.We will include two IAAF questions on the Application for Certification. This will now make both applications the same.

6.How to explain if an adjustment was to a key point or to the application for Certification: We will Alter question on Application for Certification: It would be a two part change It would state - how much was it moved and how much did it changed the course(Include diagram if necessary).

7.Championships must be pre-verified. What does this mean? This was explained by Gene and also to both LDR Chairs. Gene suggested the same fee schedule as for post-verifications for this year. Next year we will open this for discussion.

8.It was pointed out that there is a GPS statement online, which was approved by the RRTC and the USATF. Mike Wickiser has produced a document that address inaccuracies in more detail. Gene will run it by Bill Roe to get his thoughts on links, etc that we can also show this document.

9.How accurate should split description be on our maps? We decided they are important and anything that represents us ought to be accurate. We should use GPS coordinates for splits when no landmarks.

10.How to submit adjustments. We decided it’s best if measurer contacts certifier. Also, it should be noted that the measurer/certifier puts on map the original Certification Number of the adjusted course.

11.What if measurer’s work is repeatedly unrealistic, how do Certifier’s handle this situation. First you could refused to certify the course. It was decided it should be handled at lowest level if possible. However, the Chair or Vice Chair should be notified of any action taken.

12.Should officers attend annual meeting? We decided that attendance is not required but expected.

Other topics:
Mark Neal, expressed concern if our Bulletin Board went dark then how do we protect losing information? One suggestion was the following site: Mark will look into this further.

Measuring contest: Ron Scardera set out the course. The course length was 183.71 m. Jane had the closest 183.74 m. Duane 2nd 184.10 . 3rd was Toni at 186.3. Gene was last and got the booby prize.
Adjourned at 12:11
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