Oscar that's a nice trick to use the elevation profile to also get intermediate distances along a path in GE.
When measuring a course I create waypoints at the mile marks and then upload them to GE when I get home. I then measure between the mile marks in GE to make sure it is actually a mile just as a sanity check. But using the elevation profile to do that is a lot faster. Thanks.
"Also you can save the file as a .kmz and send it to people with GE and they can adjust points themselves."
Yes that's a great feature with GE, especially since those kmz or kml files are only about 5kb. But in 10 years of measuring I don't think I've encountered a race director that has ever used GE. When I need to send them a course I either have to take a screen shot, or output to kml, convert to gpx, and then read it into mapmyrun and share it with them.