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Reply to "Electronic Measurment Devices vs. J.O. Counter"

Thanks, Jim. As an Android user, I am not certain I am ready to get an iPhone just to use UKCM. However, it is tempting based on learning of your satisfaction with it and the other positive comments I have heard.

I assume that your wheel markings were just for the Protege and that you do not have a use for them with the JO?

This makes me think of the "slack" between counts when calibrating. I am certain that on occasion, the only difference between two calibration rides is this slack. I can imagine JO gearing has been discussed in detail in this space in the past. I will look for this discussion. For now, do you know of some practical reason why the JO is not geared in such a way to reduce the "slop" between counts? The only way I know of to deal with this at present is to simply round and record calibration rides to the nearest .5.