I agree with Lyman and believe that a PDF map format would give better detail and be a good step toward full electronic submission. I have been using an electronic submission setup in Alabama for almost two years. It is working well with all the regular measurers and with new measurers if they contact me before the submission. It easily beats the old USPS process until the certificate and map are ready to publish. I print those and send two copies to Paul via USPS.
All the application forms are sent to me in PDF format. Some are scanned copies of hand input forms, but completed Adobe forms are the most common.
The majority of the map submissions are of digital origin. So far this year, thirty-nine of forty-two maps are digital. As you know the quality can vary, but the prints are usually good. The measurers use a variety of software including Illustrator, MS Publisher, Open Office and Auto Cad. I use Turbo Cad. All of these can save in PDF format and most measurers use that option.
An electronic signature on the PDF certificate/map could complete the process. And I could then make an electronic submission to Gene and Paul for approval.