quote:Originally posted by Duane Russell:
The file size restriction may have more to do with available bandwidth. While you and I may feel that a 1mb file is no problem to download, we don't know the load factor for their connection. I am not saying there is a bandwidth problem, but it is easy for those of us on the outside to not know the reason for constraints, but feel there should be no constraints. Storage space may not be a factor in their limits to us.
For now, USATF has the size restriction. Until they tell Gene otherwise, we are howling at the moon about file size.
I do not think so, Duane. I have difficulty believing any CIO this far into the 21st century deals much with bandwidth concerns. Huge Internet pipes are dirt cheap these days. And, as Mark says, if USATF can stream video, it can handle 1MB or larger maps going out and coming in all day long, every day, 365.